Thursday, February 5, 2015


Oh, how nice I think it would be to sit down in our cozy built-in banquette to have our Sunday morning breakfast as a family.  

I guess the dream of having a close-quarters, eat-in style breakfast nook could possibly be a bit claustrophobic for some, however I'll take the risk and hopefully see for myself one day (soon).  To think of it, I may very well wish for my "personal space bubble" as the kids are spilling drinks and splattering food all around me (which is almost a certainty), but I guess that is something to anticipate and keep in mind with our design of a "modern banquette".

As of today, we haven't physically begun the project (unless you count my wheels spinning as a start).  But today something abrupt did manifest; I moved our current table out of the kitchen and onto our screen porch for no other reason than, I'M DONE WITH THE SHARP CORNERS AT OUR TODDLERS'S HEAD-HEIGHTS AND THE GLASS TOP, THAT COULD CRACK AT ANY TIME.

SIMPLY DONE with that lethal table!!!!  Today I made my mind up that it's time to move on to greener pastures!

This is where the table was [Photo taken before painting and adding new chairs].

Here's what the table looked like right when I made the decision this morning to say, 

So now, this is our current situation.  Lethal table is gone, but now we have an empty nook.  Well, I'm just going to savor the possibilities (hopefully that won't take too long!)

And this is where the table is hanging out for now (on our screen porch with some other undesirables)!  We'll probably put this stuff on Craigslist.

As I am thinking about the banquette possibilities, I found some of these cleverly-designed and eye-catching banquettes that are giving us a bit of inspiration as we mull through this transformation process.

If you have any images or ideas to share, please do so!  Would like to hear what you think so far!

Until next time,

A + B


  1. Oooh, oooh, oooh...I like it all! And knowing the way you and Adam work...I bet those chairs won't be sitting there alone in the corner much longer! :)
